遗产长者法 and 遗产规划 offers appointments in-person at one of our six offices, 为了方便我们的客户,可以通过虚拟或电话进行.



研讨会 & 演讲


这里是遗产长者法 & 遗产规划, we feel very strongly about educating individuals and families about the importance of having a good estate plan. 当然, “good” means different things to different families so at our workshops we discuss various issues that arise in our lives, 其中一些可能会引起一个人的共鸣,而不是另一个人.

我们的车间在许多地方登了广告, 包括我们的网站, 寄明信片, 邮寄邀请函, 以及当地报纸. Interested attendees can RSVP on our website or by calling our office. 登记后, attendees will receive a confirmation letter in the mail and also a confirmation phone call a day or two before the workshop date.

在我们的工作室, 你会学到什么是遗嘱, 律师的权力, 信托和其他现代遗产计划的重要组成部分. Whether you’re attending a workshop because you saw our articles in the paper, 是由朋友或家人介绍给我们的吗, 或者只是在社区里听说过我们, you’re going to learn some valuable tips which will enable you to begin the process of creating a good estate plan for you and your family.

研讨会是一个很好的学习经验. They are interactive where attendees are free to ask questions as we discuss the “do’s and don’ts” of planning.

学习不会在工作坊结束, as everyone who attends receives a free 90-minute consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. This no-obligation meeting is a great way to have your questions answered and see which estate planning vehicles will work best for your family. The consultation is known as the Vision meeting and you can learn more about it here.

我们即将到来的 事件


Educating the public on the ins and outs of elder law and estate planning is paramount to our mission at Heritage. Elder law and estate planning are relatively new specialties of law and we take pride in using our years of experience in these fields to be a knowledgeable community resource.

Not only does Heritage offer free informational workshops on estate planning basics at our offices throughout Western Pennsylvania, but our lawyers look forward to speaking to various professional and community groups to further educate them on the ever-changing landscape of elder law and estate planning.

The Heritage staff has experience presenting at CEU seminars for both healthcare and financial professionals, participating in trainings on guardianships and estate planning for state and local agencies, 并在全国各地的法律会议上发表演讲.

If you are interested in having one of our lawyers speak at your professional or community event, 请 推荐十大正规网赌网站.


  • Educational seminars for staff members at skilled nursing facilities throughout Western 律师杰夫·班纳
  • 房地产 planning workshops for the clients of financial advisors throughout Western PA – Attorneys Jeff Banner and 比尔泰勒
  • 遗产规划 workshops at our various Heritage office locations – Attorneys Jeff Banner, 比尔泰勒, 迈克尔·巴特勒
  • 房地产 planning workshops at many locations throughout Western PA – Attorneys Jeff Banner and 迈克尔·巴特勒
  • 房地产 planning workshops in conjunction with Brugger’s Funeral 首页 in 伊利杰夫·班纳律师
  • 周三, 8月28日, 2019, 监护和执行人培训, PA Link Partners - 迈克尔·巴特勒律师
  • 2019年8月2日星期五,宾夕法尼亚州伊利市GECAC -律师杰夫·班纳
  • 周四, 7月25日, 2019, 工作坊及演讲, 东北社区护理服务, 北东杰夫·班纳律师
  • 星期五, 6月14日, 2019, 与爱德华·琼斯公司的扎克·怀尔德和LECOM公司的CEU活动, 伊利杰夫·班纳律师
  • 周二, 6月11日, 2019, 提交授权书, 克莱里昂精神病院,迈克尔·巴特勒律师
  • 周三, 5月8日, 2019, 阿尔茨海默病协会阿尔茨海默病会议CEU报告, 伊利杰夫·班纳律师
  • 2019年5月2日,星期四,专家小组,伊利,宾夕法尼亚州-律师杰夫·班纳
  • 周三, November 28, 2018, TLC Networking Group, 巴特勒杰夫·班纳律师
  • 星期五, 11月9日, 2018, 退伍军人福利CEU课程, 斯奈德纪念医疗保健中心-杰夫·班纳律师
  • 星期五, October 26, 2018, CUP Legal Conference, Clarion杰夫·班纳律师
  • 星期五, October 26, 2018, Warren County Senior Expo – Attorney Jeff Banner
  • 星期五, May 18th, 2018, Alzheimer’s Conference, 伊利杰夫·班纳律师
  • 周三, 11月15日, 2017, 护理社区合作的转变, 林城市杰夫·班纳律师
  • 周四, 11月9日, 2017, Pennsylvania CareerLink, Greensburg杰夫·班纳律师
  • 周一, 11月6日, 2017, 法律企业家播客, “Scaling from a Single-Office Practice to a Six-Office Practice” – Attorney Jeff Banner
  • 星期五, October 20, 2017, Clarion University Legal Conference, Clarion杰夫·班纳律师
  • 星期五, September 29, 2017, Elder Law Boot Camp for Health Care Workers, Cranberry Twp.杰夫·班纳律师
  • 星期五, September 22, 2017, Financial Planner Boot Camp, Mars杰夫·班纳律师
  • 周三, 7月26日, 2017, 阿尔茨海默氏症支持小组, 路德教会高级生活的乘客-律师杰夫·班纳
  • 周四, July 20, 2017, Caregiver Support Group, Jameson Hospice – Attorney Jeff Banner
  • 周四, June 29, 2017, My Law CLE IRA presentation, Palm Beach, FL – Attorney Jeff Banner
  • 周二, April 4, 2017, Federal Bar IRA presentation, Washington DC – Attorney Jeff Banner
  • 周二, 2月7日, 2017, CEU演讲, 斯奈德纪念医疗保健中心-杰夫·班纳律师
  • 星期五, January 27, 2017, Elder Law Boot Camp, Mars杰夫·班纳律师

遗产规划 & 遗嘱认证

无论你是想确保你家庭的未来, protect a loved one’s assets or provide a loved one with the financial assistance he or she needs to afford long-term care, 我们致力于满足您的需求. We consistently offer creative and effective solutions to your most complex and sensitive estate planning needs and help your wishes come to fruition through our probate service.


推荐十大正规网赌网站 & 资产保护

每个人的生活都充满了意料之中和意料之外的挑战. 以我们处理老年人法律问题的经验, we can help you enjoy the later years and retain full control over decisions that directly impact you. 遗产长者律师事务所的律师 & 遗产规划视每一个挑战为机遇. 我们今天就可以帮助你或你所爱的人.

阅读我们的 近期推荐十大正规网赌网站文章